Holistic - Energetic - Spiritual Psychologists

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The Story of the Pearl Bracelets for Peace

Pearl Bracelet for Peace
The bracelets are handmade with genuine freshwater pearls from the Philippines and come in a lovely gift pouch ready for gift giving. The stretch bracelets are available in either white pearls or black pearls (the black pearl bracelets are in limited supply, as the black pearls are more rare). The bracelets are created by "Rosie" who is 92 and her caregivers in the Philippines. All of the proceeds from the sale of Pearl Bracelets for Peace will go directly to the JM Valero Foundation in the Philippines to help the poor and underserved children get an education. Not only will you help the Foundation in its mission, the bracelets make a nice gift! For more on The Story of the Pearl Bracelets for Peace. Enjoy and help extend the vibration of Peace in our world.

Black $29.00  |  White $25.00
USPS shipping $3.95

To order, please select item
Pearl Bracelet for Peace


Eight Pathways of Healing Love was lovingly written to guide and accompany you and your significant others on Your Journey of Transformation!

In this book, the first of a series, we share our insights and discoveries, of over 50 years of combined experience in working with individuals, couples, and families. We provide tools, supports and resources that will assist in understanding and appreciating your journey of transformation in healing love.

$29.96 + 3.95 shipping
Ohio add 8% sales tax
Kindle - available at amazon.com
Kindle Mini-Book Series at amazon.com
eBook - available at eightpathways.com

Overcomers, Inc.
True Stories of Hope, Courage, and Inspiration is the perfect book to read when you need a lift. Filled with gripping stories by 36 authors from all walks of life, Overcomers, Inc. will make you smile, move you to tears, and fill you with the strength you need to face your own life's challenges. While not a religious book, the co-authors stories are full of faith, of many kinds and flavors. Notice that it is surprising how in your darkest times, faith often becomes your brightest light.

$19.96 + 3.95 shipping
Ohio add 8% sales tax
Kindle - available at amazon.com


Heart Shadows
Heart Shadows takes us on the journey of a couple's struggle facing and moving through life's challenges. Here we discover how this couple receives the news of the wife's life changing medical diagnosis and their journey of healing. The author beautifully weaves for us real-life recollections of his own healing journey, breathtakingly laying out for us our own levels of insight, awareness and forgiveness on our own paths of discovery.

Order (available soon)

What Really Matters is the Heart
In this heartfelt and life-affirming novel, Phil Belzunce, relationship psychologist, shares with us his journey of grieving the death of his mother. He tenderly shares his passage along the pathways of healing, laying out for the reader the profound impact of our primal ties to our mothers. Here we are guided into the windows of healing in the depths of our soul, teaching us when we can embrace the grieving process and how we actually join with the forces of life.

Order (available soon)

Once Upon a Doggie
This refreshing children's novel is a puppy's lively journey to discover both who he is and how he gives back to our world. For young and old souls alike, the authors teach us through this enthusiastic puppy that all of us can contribute to the world based on our own unique design. Here we see a sweet pup who is a loving, playful, angelic spirit, modeling for humans that no matter our age or stature, we belong and can contribute. Once Upon A Doggie teaches us to be ourselves, exactly who we are and that this is our greatest gift and our contribution.

Order (available soon)


Movement Meditation - Eight Pathways of Healing Love
A companion DVD to the book, encompassing gentle movements to each Pathway, single and then as a couple.

$19.97 + 3.95 shipping

contact: phillalei@phillalei.com

other websites to visit:
spiritcenteredcoaching.com  |  eHealingLove.com  |  EightPathways.com